Thursday, December 3, 2009

an Andre moment - from Les

I have just returned from a camping trip with Gerd at a marvellous wilderness rainforest area where we did not see another soul for several days. On one of those nights, with boobook owls calling in the distance and dusk turning to dark, small strongly fluorescent lights started moving lazily through the trees, blinking on and off each second – fireflies! I stood and watched entranced.
It was an Andre moment. Last time I had seen fireflies was about 20 years ago when we were camped at Caves Beach, Jervis Bay. We came across them on returning to the campsite from the beach at dusk. Andre was entranced. He managed to catch one and put it in an empty matchbox, so we could watch the display at close quarters for a while before releasing the firefly to join its mates. I can still see Andre’s face at that time, musing about how it was done and marvelling at the beauty.....


Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Pictures for André's Birthday Tomorrow

These are courtesy of Anneke's Image Bank. They're in chronological order, from bottom to top. First Greece, August '92, then walking to Grove Park where we had lunch, summer '95, and a winter walk in Chiswick Park,01.01.96.