Monday, May 10, 2010

Portrait of André

Here in the UK it's now after midnight on the tenth of May, the early hours of a Monday morning, the same day of the week as it was on this date eleven years ago.

There was a great sunset earlier this evening, a particular kind of dramatic lighting André always loved, storm clouds and sunshine combined. He would often point it out. It always reminds me of him.

The words aren't flowing tonight so here's a copy of Arlene's painting instead.

With love x


  1. Despite your protestation that the words aren't flowing, believe me, they are. So is the feeling behind the words. Your description of the sunset, so full of memory, is deeply moving. So is the painting. Much love, dearest Maggie.

  2. Thanks Sid, lots of love to you too x

  3. thank you for sharing that touching memory, Maggie darling. The imagery of the dramatic lighting on that evening 11 years ago is beautiful and poignant. And I love the idea of the dancing candle-light last night.
    Love you xx

  4. Thanks Jude, love you too xx
