Saturday, May 9, 2009

André's Vine

It was on mothers' day in March 1999 that André finally got round to planting a vine cutting he had been given by Jim a while before. Soon after we went on holiday to Spain and soon after that he died. It wasn't until the day of his funeral, in the garden afterwards, that I noticed that the vine had taken and was flourishing.
By 2006 the Triomphe d'Alsace vine was producing a sufficient quantity of grapes for me to attempt my first batch of wine. I was really pleased with the results. The following year wasn’t as good, but that didn’t put me off having a third attempt, despite a terrible summer weather-wise, and having to compete with greedy wood pigeons when harvesting the modest yield. Here's a picture of what was produced. The demijohn on the left is just Triomphe D'Alsace grape, on the right is a mix of grape, apple and elderflower. It hasn't been sampled yet...

Part of the vine in September 2007


  1. yes it is. A full moon always brings to mind that song:
    "... gonna take a dive and
    Push the shift to overdrive
    Send a signal that she's hanging
    All her hopes on the stars
    What a pleasant dream
    Just saying

    I would fly to the moon & back if
    you'll be...
    If you'll be my baby
    Got a ticket for a world where we
    So would you be my baby? "

  2. Me too.

    And also a holiday Anne, André and I had in Greece, when on a particularly spectacular full moon, zig-zagging out way home after a long, leisurely meal, we made up our own 'odes to the moon'. Seem to remember André having more to say than us.

  3. oh I love the scene! Did you dodge the rotten tomatoes... or whatever they throw in Greece?

  4. They threw us garlands of flowers and yelled 'encore' of course ;)
